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Greater minds don't have to think alike

Is this the right programme for you?

Designed for Senior Managers who must deliver highly relevant strategies, this programme takes time out to examine the current challenges facing organisations and leaders within today’s turbulent business climate.
You will analyse the Age of New Visions and New Choices; dissect the 21st Century Challenges - the complex nature of their impact upon the performance of your organisation and employees; identify strategies to boost and sustain the performance of your organisation and employees.
You will explore leadership challenges involved in - balancing social and commercial impacts of your organisation; attracting and retaining talent; exploiting new technologies for superior performance; conserving resources for sustainable development; entering and expanding in emerging markets; managing public-private partnerships; and designing efficient business processes.
You will introspect on your leadership abilities and potential - how to use your leadership capabilities for personal effectiveness in organisational and societal contexts. Working with Personal Tutors, Faculty, the Programme Director and your Peers, this is your opportunity to truly transform your thinking and leadership abilities.
" The structure of the programme; the limited number of participant places, the calibre of an international faculty, the opportunity to access University of Oxford leaders in other fields outside the course programme and the informal interactions that occur over lunch and dinner, all combined to develop me as an individual, and have broadened my self awareness and leadership style."
Neil Brennan, Managing Director, Central Highlands Water Corporation, Australia

Who are the other participants?

The make-up of participants has changed markedly. The business world is not just experiencing a recession; we have reached a tipping point where the traditionally rich countries are going to have to find a new equilibrium with developing economies. The OAMLP facilities discussions on this subject, and you will work alongside participants from both public and private sectors spanning all regions to debate first hand experiences – these sessions give you much deeper appreciation and insight of the issues presented.
As a participant you will benefit at several levels. You will leave with a better understanding of your organisation, the challenges you must address and a commitment to focused action plans for continued development. The personal tutorial element is a firm fixture within the programme and contact with tutors after the programme is strongly encouraged.

How will it benefit me?

Participants from this programme have typically repositioned themselves within their organisation, gained instant promotions and have developed working sustainable strategies to navigate their changing global business landscape. Many of our alumni warmly welcome the opportunity to share their development experience with you, and each story has a successful testament to this type of development process.
OAMLP is not built on a bullet-point approach; it embraces the true Oxford philosophy of ‘intelligent thinking’. It is about new ideas & insights to provoke questions & thoughts while immersing oneself within a transformational development experience.

By : http://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk

1 Response to "Greater minds don't have to think alike"

  1. qipunk says:

    bagi yang berkunjung diblog ini tinggalkan komen ya....berikan sarannya terutama yang sudah lama diblogger salam kenal para blogger

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